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Uppdateringen av avslutades i januari 2022

Yle Arkivet har slutat lagra metadata i Fono-databasen 14.1.2022.
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Funna låtar 16

RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) 40 acres and my props Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Bounce ta this Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Catchin' wreck Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Fat pockets Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Hard to kill Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) He say, she say Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Hold ya head Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) More than one way out of the... Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Party groove Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Party groove (bass mix). Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Represent Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Runaway slave Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Silence of the lambs Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Silence of the lambs (remix). Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Soul clap (short version). Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...
RUNAWAY SLAVE (1992) Still diggin' Showbiz and AG (yhtye). Showbiz /pseud /. A.G /pseud...