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Uppdateringen av avslutades i januari 2022

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Funna låtar 2769

50th ANNIVERSARY Paul Whiteman... ... Dorsey, Tommy (orkesteri)...
MY LIFE II - THE JOURNEY... ... Blige, Mary J
MY LIFE IS AN OPERA ... Alagna, Roberto
WOMEN IN MY LIFE ... Franchi, Sergio (laulu).
THEIR SATANIC MAJESTIES'.... (2007) (Baby) love of my life Brian Jonestown Massacre... Newcombe, Anton A. (säv).
IT'S MY LIFE, BABY (1988) (I got a) stomach ache Wells, Junior (laulu). Guy,... Wells, Junior [1934-1998]. ...
FALL AS THE BACKDROP (2006) (I just don't know) what to do... Whitten, Luke (laulu, kitara,... Whitten, Luke /pseud / (=...
LOOKING THROUGH - THE... (2000) (I wanna) love my life away Pitney, Gene (laulu, yhtye). Pitney, Gene [1941-2006] (säv,...
EVERY BIT OF MY LIFE... (2017) (I washed my hands in) muddy... Skifs, Björn (laulu, yhtye)... Babcock, Joe (säv, san). ...
THE COMPLETE MOTOWN... (2008) (I've given you) the best... P. J (= Jerome, Patti) (laulu,... Fekaris, Dino. Zesses, Nick. ...
THE COMPLETE MOTOWN... (2008) (I've given you) the best... P. J. (= Jerome, Patti)...
GLEISON TULIO AND KEILLA... (2010) (I've had) the time of my life Tulio, Gleison (laulu, kitara,... Previte, Franke. DeNicola,...
CIRCLE OF LIFE (1996) (I've had) the time of my... King's Singers, The... Previte, Franke. DeNicola,...
DIRTY DANCING (1999) (I've had) the time of my... Medley, Bill (laulu). Warnes,... Previte, Franke. DeNicola,...
DIRTY DANCING (1987) (I've had) the time of my... Medley, Bill (laulu). Warnes,... Previte, Franke. DeNicola,...
THE ENVELOPE PLEASE ..... (1995) (I've had) the time of my... Medley, Bill (laulu). Warnes,... Previte, Franke. DeNicola,...
(I've had) the time of my... (1987) (I've had) the time of my life... Medley, Bill (laulu). Warnes,...
EVERY BIT OF MY LIFE... (2017) (Solen lyser än på) mitt gamla... Skifs, Björn (laulu, yhtye). Newman, Randy (säv, alkup san)...
THIS COULD BE HEAVEN (1997) (You'll always be) the love of... Pandora (laulu). Nimeämätön... Barry, Paul. Taylor, Mark.
EVERY BIT OF MY LIFE... (2017) (You've got to) tell it like... Skifs, Björn (laulu,... Palmers, Bengt (myös sov). ...
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