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Yle Arkivet har slutat lagra metadata i Fono-databasen 14.1.2022.
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Funna låtar 102

SECRETS (1979) Bad case of you loving (Doctor... Palmer, Robert (laulu). Sekä:...
SUSPICION (1998) Electrolite R.E.M. (yhtye). Buck, Peter. Mills, Mike. ...
Epäluuloisuus (1967) Epäluuloisuus (= Suspicions in... Anki (laulu). Petersen,... Spirit, J. (säv). Burke, M....
LOUD GUITARS, BIG... (1999) Few and far between Curfman, Shannon (laulu,... Curfman, Shannon. Bowe, Kevin...
HEAVEN (2011) Fighting suspicions Ferguson, Rebecca (laulu,... Ferguson, Rebecca. White,...
SAINT ETIENNE PRESENTS:... (2012) Finger of suspicion Valentine, Dickie (laulu,... Mann, Paul. Lewis, Al...
NUMBER 1 HITS OF THE... (2008) Finger of suspicion (points at... Valentine, Dick (laulu,... Mann, Paul. Lewis, Al...
ELVIS A TRIBUTE FROM ASIA (1992) Flaming star. Burning love. ... Nuradee (lauluduo). Douglas O...
ASTRA. (1985) Go. Voice of America. Hard... Asia (yhtye).
JOAN CRAWFORD Silver Screen... Gotta feelin' for you. Chant... Crawford, Joan (laulu). Sekä:...
LIFE GOES ON (2002) Guilty by suspicion Jones, Donell (laulu, yhtye). Jones, Donell (säv, sov, san).
LOUD GUITARS, BIG... (1999) Hard to make a stand Curfman, Shannon (laulu,... Wolfe, Todd. Bryan, R. Scott....
LOUD GUITARS, BIG... (1999) I don't make promises (I can't... Curfman, Shannon (laulu,... Bowe, Kevin. Kostas.
LOUD GUITARS, BIG... (1999) If you change your mind Curfman, Shannon (laulu,... Curfman, Shannon. Bowe, Kevin...
LOUD GUITARS, BIG... (1999) I'm coming home Curfman, Shannon (laulu,... Curfman, Shannon. Bowe, Kevin...
DIRECTOR'S CUT (2001) Indagine su un cittadino al di... Fantomas (yhtye). Morricone, Ennio [1928-2020]...
FILM MUSIC... (1987) Indagine su un cittadino al di... Morricone, Ennio (johtaja,... Morricone, Ennio [1928-2020]...
CINEMA CONCERTO - ENNIO..... (1999) Investigation of a Citizen... Morricone, Ennio (johtaja)... Morricone, Ennio [1928-2020]...
It hurts me. // It hurts me. // Suspicion. Presley, Elvis (laulu)...