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Yle Arkisto on päättänyt metatietojen tallennuksen Fono-tietokantaan 14.1.2022.
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  • 'this could be the star of something' (nimi) ›
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Kappaleita löytyi yhteensä 30

THIS COULD BE THE START... (1992) April in Paris Finnair Pilots' Big Band... Duke, Vernon /pseud / (=...
EYDIE AND STEVE SING THE... Bei mir bist du schön (tässä:... Gorme, Eydie (laulu). ...
HÅLLIGÅNG (1993) Hålligång revyy (Ruotsi 1963)... Alfredson, Hans 'Hasse' (laulu... Allen, Steve (säv, alkup san...
THIS COULD BE THE START... (1992) I left my heart in San... Finnair Pilots' Big Band... Cory, George (säv).
THIS COULD BE THE START... (1992) Latin insection Finnair Pilots' Big Band... Diblasio, D. (säv, sov).
THIS COULD BE THE START... (1992) Latin quarter Finnair Pilots' Big Band... Niehaus, Lennie (säv, sov).
THIS COULD BE THE START... (1992) Li'l darlin' Finnair Pilots' Big Band... Hefti, Neal [1922-2008] (säv,...
THIS COULD BE THE START... (1992) Moten swing Finnair Pilots' Big Band... Moten, Bennie [1894-1935]...
TAKE A LOOK: ARETHA... (2011) This could be the star of... Franklin, Aretha (laulu). ... Allen, Steve (säv, san). ...
COCKTAIL CAPERS -... (1996) This could be the start of... Pell, Dave (johtaja, yhtye). Allen, Steve (säv, san).
CHASIN' THE JAZZ GONE BY (2005) This could be the start of... Five Corners Quintet, The... Allen, Steve (säv, san). ...
FROM PARIS WITH LOVE This could be the start of...
TAKE A LOOK: ARETHA... (2011) This could be the start of... Franklin, Aretha (laulu). ... Allen, Steve (säv, san). ...
I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND (1997) This could be the start of... Green, Grant (kitara). Mobley,... Allen, Steve (säv).
NIGHT TRAIN (1997) This could be the start of... Peterson, Oscar (piano, yhtye)... Allen, Steve (säv).
A HEART FULL OF MUSIC (1993) This could be the start of... Jannah, Denise (laulu). Allen, Steve (säv, san). ...
JAZZ TO SOUL (1992) This could be the start of... Franklin, Aretha (laulu). Allen, Steve (säv, san).
CALIFORNIA... (1993) This could be the start of... Murphy, Mark (laulu). Candoli,... Allen, Steve (säv, san).
SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOUNG... This could be the start of...
ENJOY THE RHYTHM (1994) This could be the start of... Roos, Meta (laulu). Allen, Steve (säv, san).
12 - musiikkikirjastojen verkkopalvelut