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Kappaleita löytyi yhteensä 164

THE LEGEND AND THE LEGACY... (1991) What is this thing called... Paul, Les (yhtye: kaikki... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
SWEET AND LOVELY (1993) What is this thing called... Allan, Jan (trumpetti). ... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
THE SORCERER (1997) What is this thing called... Szabo, Gabor (kitara). Stewart... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
THE COMPLETE PABLO GROUP.... (1990) What is this thing called... Tatum, Art (piano). Sekä:... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
WILD, COOL & SWINGIN' /..... (1996) What is this thing called... Smith, Keely (laulu). Riddle,... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
COLE PORTER / ORIGINAL... (1991) What is this thing called... Hutchinson, Leslie A. 'Hutch'... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
ANITA O'DAY SWINGS COLE... (1991) What is this thing called... O'Day, Anita (laulu). May,... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
GRAND OLD SWING (1997) What is this thing called... Viitamäki, Kalevi... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
STANDARDS (1996) What is this thing called... Eriksen, Helen (saksofoni)... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
JULIE LONDON SINGS THE... (1991) What is this thing called... London, Julie (laulu). Roberts... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
INFAMOUS Music from the... (2006) What is this thing called... Paltrow, Gwyneth (laulu). ... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
LIVE AT THE CRESCENDO. (1975) What is this thing called love... Tatum, Art (piano). Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
HAMPTON HAWES Volume 1:... (1955) What is this thing called love... Hawes, Hampton (piano)... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
A NIGHT AT THE VILLAGE... (1987) What is this thing called love... Rollins, Sonny... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
HOUSEPARTY. (1987) What is this thing called love... Smith, Jimmy (sähköurut)... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
OTHER SIDE OF 'ROUND... (1986) What is this thing called love... McFerrin, Bobby (laulu). ... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
JAY & KAI PLAY - VOLUME 1 What is this thing called love... Johansson, J. J. (pasuuna,...
YOUNG MAN WITH A HORN. (1987) What is this thing called love... Anthony, Ray (johtaja,...
EXCITING SOUNDS THE CLEBANOFF... What is this thing called love... Clebanoff Strings, The...
THE COLE PORTER MIX (2008) What is this thing called... Barber, Patricia (laulu,... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
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