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Yle Arkivet har slutat lagra metadata i Fono-databasen 14.1.2022.
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Funna låtar 124

CHANTICLEER: A PORTRAIT (2003) Jeanie with the light brown... Chanticleer (San Francisco)... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
OUR AMERICAN JOURNEY (2002) Jeanie with the light brown... Chanticleer (San Francisco)... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
JUSSI BJÖRLING - RARE AND... (1949) Jeanie with the light brown... Björling, Jussi (tenori). ... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
LOVE SONGS AND LULLABIES... (1991) Jeanie with the light brown... Allen, Thomas (baritoni)... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
JUSSI BJÖRLING: STUDIO... (1997) Jeanie with the light brown... Björling, Jussi (tenori). ... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
FAVOURITE BALLADS (1980) Jeanie with the light brown... Burrows, Stuart (tenori). ... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
LOCH LOMOND Original mono... (1998) Jeanie with the light brown... Sullivan, Maxine (laulu)... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
HOME, SWEET HOME (1950) Jeanie with the light brown... Robert Shaw Chorale (Robert... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
SONGS OF NED ROREM (2000) Jeanie with the light brown... Graham, Susan (mezzosopraano).... Rorem, Ned [1923- ] (säv). ...
BJÖRLING REDISCOVERED (2003) Jeanie with the light brown... Björling, Jussi (puhe, tenori)... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
THE SECRETS OF DVORAK'S... (2005) Jeanie with the light brown... Kirchschlager, Angelika... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
ISAAC STERN / A LIFE IN... (1995) Jeanie with the light brown... Stern, Isaac (viulu). Katims,... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
KINDERZIRKUS London brass... (1990) Jeanie with the light brown... London Brass (kamariyhtye:... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
AMERICAN SCENE (1959) Jeanie with the light brown... Mantovani (johtaja, orkesteri)... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
THAT'S ALL (2010) Jeanie with the light brown... Elivuo, Rafael (viulu). ... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
AMERICANA (2000) Jeanie with the light brown... Josefowicz, Leila (viulu). ... Foster, Stephen [1826-1864]...
Jeanie with the light brown... Jeanie with the light brown... Björling, Rolf (laulu). ...
Jeanie, Jeanie, Jeani... (1990) Jeanie, Jeanie, Jeani (tässä:... Screaming Lord Sutch (laulu). ... Motola, George /1. Page,...
16 GREATEST... (1961) Jeanie, Jeanie, Jeanie Cochran, Eddie (laulu, kitara,... Motola, George. Page, Rickie.
BACK TO THE ALLEY - THE... (1990) Jeanie, Jeanie, Jeanie Stray Cats (yhtye). Motola, George. Page, Rickie.