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THE RENAISSANCE ALBUM... (2009) Come heavy sleepe (Come heavy... Tritschler, Robin (tenori). ... Dowland, John [1563-1626]...
A PAINTED TALE (2015) Come heavy sleepe (Come heavy... Phan, Nicholas (tenori). ... Dowland, John [1563-1626]...
CHRISTMAS CAROLS (1959) Come let us unite Temple church choir (Lontoon... Bedell (säv, san).
WEST SIDE... (1997) Come on Tommy 16 (yhtye). Nimeämätön (säv, san).
UNIVERSAL ROCK Classic... (1981) Come on in this house Wells, Junior (laulu,... Wells, Junior [1934-1998] (säv...
ZOMBIE HEAVEN /3 In the... (1997) Come on time (= Just out of... Zombies, The (yhtye). Blunstone, Colin. Bunbrim,...
DOWLAND: FIRST BOOKE OF... (1990) Come, heavy sleepe (Come,... Covey-Crump, Rogers (tenori)... Dowland, John [1563-1626]...
OTHER MUSIC FROM A... (1998) Come, heavy sleepe (Come,... Forge Players, The... Dowland, John [1563-1626]...
ORPHEUS IN ENGLAND (2010) Come, heavy sleepe (Come,... Kirkby, Emma (sopraano). ... Dowland, John [1563-1626]...
ELIZABETHAN LUTE... (1993) Come, heavy sleepe (Come,... Pears, Peter (tenori). Bream,... Dowland, John [1563-1626]...
JOHN DOWLAND: IN DARKNESS... (1999) Come, heavy sleepe (Come,... Potter, John (tenori). Surman,... Dowland, John [1563-1626]...
DOWLAND: LUTE SONGS, LUTE... (1989) Come, heavy sleepe (Come,... Deller, Alfred (kontratenori).... Dowland, John [1563-1626]...
WITH ENDLESS TEARES (2009) Come, heavy sleepe (Come,... Zomer, Johannette (sopraano). ... Johnson, Robert [n. 1583-1633]...
DOWLAND: SONGS FOR TENOR... (1988) Come, heavy sleepe (Come,... Rogers, Nigel (tenori). ... Dowland, John [1563-1626]...
SONGS FOR TENOR & GUITAR (2005) Come, heavy sleepe (tässä:... Langridge, Philip (tenori). ... Dowland, John [1563-1626]...
SWEDISH TONGUES: AN... (2002) Come, heavy sleepe (tässä:... Stockholms madrigalsällskap... Dowland, John [1563-1626]...
SONGS FROM THE LABYRINTH (2006) Come, heavy sleepe (tässä:... Sting (laulu /osittain... Dowland, John [1563-1626]...
PUEBLO UNIDO JAMAS SERA... Comienza la vida nueva (Nyt...
EL PUEBLO UNIDO JAMAS... (2003) Comienza la vida nueva (Nyt... Quilapayun (yhtye). Advis, Luis (säv, san).
WEST SIDE... (1997) Coming back to you Boolteens (yhtye). Nimeämätön (säv, san).
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