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Uppdateringen av avslutades i januari 2022

Yle Arkivet har slutat lagra metadata i Fono-databasen 14.1.2022.
Av den här anledningen kommer inte ny och retroaktiv metadata längre till tjänsten finns tillsvidare kvar för kundanvändning. En ny ersättningstjänst strävar efter att publiceras under år 2024.

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Funna låtar 59

HAPPINESS (1998) Wade in the water Harlem Gospel Singers, The... Negro spiritual.
20 GOSPEL GREATS (1990) Wade in the water Original Gospel Harmonettes,... Negro spiritual. Starks, E....
MO' MOD JAZZ (kokoelma). (1998) Wade in the water Griffin, Johnny... Negro spiritual. Simmons,...
LININ' TRACK (2010) Wade in the water Plicque, C. C. de (laulu)... Negro spiritual. Cooke, Sam...
HALLELUJAH HITS (1995) Wade in the water New London Boys, The (yhtye). Negro spiritual. Maue,...
SAM COOKE'S SAR RECORDS... (1994) Wade in the water Soul Stirrers, The... Negro spiritual. Cooke, Sam...
DOWNTOWN CHURCH (2010) Wade in the water Griffin, Patty (laulu, yhtye)... Negro spiritual.
THE BEST OF RAMSEY... (2002) Wade in the water Lewis, Ramsey (piano). Eaton,... Negro spiritual. Lewis,...
ROBERT RANDOLPH PRESENTS... (2013) Wade in the water Slide Brothers, The (yhtye). Negro spiritual.
CELLO SPIRITUALS (2014) Wade in the water Makkonen, Jussi (sello). ... Negro spiritual. Makkonen,...
LÄÄKE (2013) Wade in the water Heavenly Swing (yhtye). ... Negro spiritual. Heavenly...
TRAVELIN' HOME (2014) Wade in the water Orpana, Masa (saksofoni,... Negro spiritual. Orpana,...
NO B! (2016) Wade in the water Jane Lee Hooker (yhtye). Negro spiritual.
A.M.Ä.N (2007) Wade in the water (a cappella)... Manskören M.Ä.N (mieskuoro). ... Negro spiritual. Wingren,...
CHANTICLEER: A PORTRAIT (2003) Wade in the water (a cappella)... Chanticleer (San Francisco)... Negro spiritual. Jennings,...
SAM COOKE'S SAR RECORDS... (1994) Wade in the water (chatter). Cooke, Sam (puhe, laulu). ... Negro spiritual. Cooke, Sam...
IF THAT ISN'T LOVE (2018) Wade in the... Wingren Brothers, The (yhtye)... Negro spiritual.
FEEL THE SPIRIT Pappojen.... (2007) Wade in the water a cappella. Papas No Mamas (mieskuoro). ... Negro spiritual. Vintturi,...
LA PESTE (2000) Wade into the water Alabama 3 (yhtye). Love. Love. Empiricist...