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  • 'thing called love' (nimi) ›
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Kappaleita löytyi yhteensä 271

SWEET AND LOVELY (1993) What is this thing called... Allan, Jan (trumpetti). ... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
THE LEGEND AND THE LEGACY... (1991) What is this thing called... Paul, Les (yhtye: kaikki... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
THE SORCERER (1997) What is this thing called... Szabo, Gabor (kitara). Stewart... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
THE TRAVELER (1993) What is this thing called... Calderazzo, Joey (piano)... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
DEDICATED TO... (1996) What is this thing called... Clooney, Rosemary (laulu)... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
JAMES P. JOHNSON... (1992) What is this thing called... Johnson, James P. (piano). Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
BLOSSOM OF STARS (1993) What is this thing called... Merrill, Helen (laulu). Sekä:... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
LIVE AT THE CRESCENDO (1982) What is this thing called... Torme, Mel (laulu). Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
TRIOLOGY (Omistus:... (1995) What is this thing called... Garrett, Kenny... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
THE COMPLETE BLUE NOTE... (1997) What is this thing called... Grolnick, Don (piano). Brecker... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
STANDARDS (1996) What is this thing called... Eriksen, Helen (saksofoni)... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
PAUL MOTIAN ON BROADWAY... (1989) What is this thing called... Motian, Paul (rummut). Lovano,... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
THE COMPLETE SARAH... (1987) What is this thing called... Vaughan, Sarah (laulu). Stuart... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
THE COMPLETE PABLO GROUP.... (1990) What is this thing called... Tatum, Art (piano). Sekä:... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
JULIE LONDON SINGS THE... (1991) What is this thing called... London, Julie (laulu). Roberts... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
INFAMOUS Music from the... (2006) What is this thing called... Paltrow, Gwyneth (laulu). ... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
A NIGHT AT THE VILLAGE... (1987) What is this thing called love... Rollins, Sonny... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
OTHER SIDE OF 'ROUND... (1986) What is this thing called love... McFerrin, Bobby (laulu). ... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv,...
HOUSEPARTY. (1987) What is this thing called love... Smith, Jimmy (sähköurut)... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
HAMPTON HAWES Volume 1:... (1955) What is this thing called love... Hawes, Hampton (piano)... Porter, Cole [1891-1964] (säv)...
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