- Äänitetietokanta päivittäminen loppunut tammikuussa 2022

Yle Arkisto on päättänyt metatietojen tallennuksen Fono-tietokantaan 14.1.2022.
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Äänitteen tiedot

IN THEIR OWN VOICES - THE U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS OF 1908 AND 1912 The earliest campaign recordings

Esittäjä(t): Bryan, William Jennings (puhe). Taft, William H. (puhe). Wilson, Woodrow (puhe). Roosevelt, Theodore (puhe).
Kappaleet: 1:01 - Imperialism
1:02 - Popular election of senators
1:03 - Tariff question, The
1:04 - Guaranty of bank deposits
1:05 - Labor question, The
1:06 - Railroad question, The
1:07 - Trust question, The
1:08 - Publication of campaign contributions
1:09 - Swollen fortunes
1:10 - Mr. Taft's borrowed plumes
1:11 - Republican party stands by Mr. Roosevelt, The
1:12 - Our army and navy
1:13 - Postal savings banks
1:14 - Rise and progress of the negro, The
1:15 - Democratic policy prevents restoration of prosperity
1:16 - Labor and its rights
1:17 - Farmer and the republican party, The
1:18 - Irish humor
1:19 - Effect of proposed jury trial in contempt cases, The
1:20 - Our foreign dependencies
1:21 - Foreign missions
1:22 - What constitutes an unlawful trust
1:23 - Functions of the next administration
1:24 - Republican responsibility and performance; democratic responsibility and failure
2:01 - Woodrow Wilson on the third party
2:02 - Woodrow Wilson on the trusts
2:03 - Woodrow Wilson to the farmers
2:04 - Democratic principles
2:05 - Woodrow Wilson on labor
2:06 - Woodrow Wilson on the tariff
2:07 - Progressive covenant with the people, The
2:08 - Right of the people to rule, The
2:09 - Farmer and the business man, The
2:10 - Social and industrial justice
2:11 - Liberty of the people, The
2:12 - Mr. Roosevelt pays his respects to Penrose and Archbold
2:13 - Abyssinian treatment of Standard Oil, The
2:14 - Why the trusts and bosses oppose progressive party
2:15 - Farmer and the business man, The
2:16 - President Taft on prosperity
2:17 - Peace
2:18 - President Taft on a protective tariff
2:19 - Who are the people?
2:20 - Anti-trust law, The
2:21 - President Taft discusses labor and capital
2:22 - Popular unrest
Kokonaiskesto:156 min 25 sec
Musiikkilaji: PUHE-ESITYKSET
selostukset, puheet, ym dokumentit
Kaupallinen tunnus:Marston 520282
Huomautukset:Esittelylehtinen englanniksi.
Hae kirjastoista (Frank-monihaku):
- toimii parhaiten populaarimusiikin
Hae   - musiikkikirjastojen verkkopalvelut