- Äänitetietokanta päivittäminen loppunut tammikuussa 2022

Yle Arkisto on päättänyt metatietojen tallennuksen Fono-tietokantaan 14.1.2022.
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BLACK EUROPE /36 The sounds and images of black people in Europe pre-1927.

Kappaleet: 01 - 3 Madagassische Tanzlieder (Three Madagascan dance songs).
02 - 3 Madagassische Tanzlieder (Three Madagascan dance songs).
03 - Wortliste in Kwa (Words in kwa).
04 - Wortliste in Gulu (Words in gulu).
05 - Gespräche, Teil 1, vorgefluestert vom Fachmann (Conversation, part 1, first whispered by the linguist).
06 - Gespräche, Teil 2, vorgefluestert vom Fachmann (Conversation, part 2, first whispered by the linguist).
07 - Cultivateur et son fils seri, Le (The farmer and his son) /1. Hyene et le lievre, L' (The hyena and the hare) /2.
08 - Lied eines Schafhirten (Song of a shepherd).
09 - Lievre et les animaux savages, Le (The hare and the wild animals).
10 - Kinderlied, gesungen und gesprochen (Children's song, sung and spoken) /1. Lied eines Schafhirten (Song of a shepherd) /2.
11 - Hyene et le bouc, L' (The hyena and the goat) /1. Mari jaloux, Le (The jealous husband) /2.
12 - Homme et les animaux tombes dans un puit, L' (People and animals fell into a pit, part 1).
13 - Homme et les animaux tombes dans un puit, L' (People and animals fell into a pit, part 2).
14 - Marabou glouton, Le (The glutton marabou, part 1).
15 - Marabou glouton, Le (The glutton marabou, part 2).
16 - Gespräche, Teil 4, vorgefluestert vom Fachmann (Converastion,part 4, firsdt whispered by the linguist).
17 - Sprachstudie (Linguistic study) /1. 2 Lieder (Two songs) /2.
18 - Märchen vom lederbogen, Schildkröte und alle Tiere, Duala-Märchen Nr. 32 (Douala tale of the leather bow, turtle and all animals, no. 32).
19 - Märchen von Chameleon und Eideschse, Duala-Märchen Nr. 48 (Douala tale of chameleon and lizard, no. 48).
20 - O bele pe mba mukom (Du rufst mich als slaven, Duala-Tanzlied) (You call me a slave, Douala dance song) /1. Bolo bokuluman (Duala Ruder-Lied) (Douala rowing song) /2. 8 Tonhöhenbeispiele (Eight examples for tone values) /3.
21 - Duala-sätze aus der Umgangsprache (Douala colloquial senteces, spoken).
Kokonaiskesto:76 min 11 sec
Julkaisija:Bear Family
Kaupallinen tunnus:Bear Family BCD 16095 (36)
Huomautukset:Erillinen esittelykirja numeroissa CD-125410 ja CD-125411.
Hae kirjastoista (Frank-monihaku):
- toimii parhaiten populaarimusiikin
Hae   - musiikkikirjastojen verkkopalvelut