- Äänitetietokanta päivittäminen loppunut tammikuussa 2022

Yle Arkisto on päättänyt metatietojen tallennuksen Fono-tietokantaan 14.1.2022.
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BLACK EUROPE /37 The sounds and images of black people in Europe pre-1927.

Kappaleet: 01 - Tale of the 40 girls (part 1).
02 - Tale of the 40 girls (part 2 and conclusion) /1. Man who became a hyena, The /2.
03 - Einzelne signale (Some signals).
04 - Einzelne signale
05 - Duala-trommelsprache: 1. Name Sopo (Sopo, his name). 2. Begruessung (Greetings). 3. Kriegstrommel (War drum). 4. Trägerbestellung (Prdering carries). 5. Todesmeldung (Death notice).
06 - Wiedu azmari (Rezitation und Heldengesang auf Firrisa Abba Gobe) (Recitation and heroic praise song of Firrissa Abba Gubir).
07 - Mamaksa abbak'eha (Tierfabel von Katzen und Mäusen) (Animal fable of cats and mice) /1. Sambata ulfesu (Sonntagsgespräch) (Sunday conversation) /2.
08 - Sirba galla (Galla Lieder) (Galla songs) /1. Lieder desselben Genres in anderer Melodie (Songs of the same genre, performed with different melody) /2.
09 - Sprachbeispiele fuer etymologische Tonhöhen (Examples for etymological tone values) /1. Sprachbeispiele fuer grammatische Tonhöhen (Examples for grammatical tone values) /2.
10 - Erzählung aus meiner Kindheit (Stories of my childhood).
11 - Bericht ueber einen Krieg der Ewe mit den Dahome (Account of war between the ewe and dahomeans) /1. Sprachbeispiele (Language examples) /2.
12 - Zahlen, Wortverbindungen, Tonbeispiele, Sätze, grammatikalische Formen (Numbers, word-combinations, examples of tone values, sentences, grammatical form).
13 - Erzählungen (Stories) /1. Sprichwörter (Proverbs) /2. Lied (Song) /3.
14 - Märchen (Tales) /1. Reisebeschreibungen (Accounts of travels) /2.
15 - Gba wa, Olorun (Save us, o God).
16 - E je ka t'ona rere (let us pursuethe right path).
17 - Jesu oba alanu (Jesus, the king of mercy).
18 - Agbelebu - igi oro (The cross - tree of agony).
19 - Jesu olugbaba ni mo f'ori fun (I give myself to Jesus the saviour).
20 - Obangiji iwo lo to sin (Great king. Thou art worthy to be worshipped).
21 - Mo sa di Jesu (I take refuge in Jesus).
22 - Gba wa o Jehovah (Deliver us, o Jehova).
23 - Keferi, e wa wo oba wa o (Pagans, come and see our king) /1. - E wa gba ihin rere (O come and receive the good tidings) /2.
24 - Oba olugbala, gba mi (O saviour king, save me).
25 - Isokan onigbagbo (Christian unity).
Kokonaiskesto:79 min 14 sec
Julkaisija:Bear Family
Kaupallinen tunnus:Bear Family BCD 16095 (37)
Huomautukset:Erillinen esittelykirja numeroissa CD-125410 ja CD-125411.
Hae kirjastoista (Frank-monihaku):
- toimii parhaiten populaarimusiikin
Hae   - musiikkikirjastojen verkkopalvelut