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Nunsense 2-näytöksinen musikaali (musiikkiosuuksien kokonaisesitys, Baldwin -teatteri). 1. Nunsense is habit-forming. 2. Difficult transition, A. 3. Benedicite / Biggest ain't the best, The. 4. Playing second fiddle. 5. So you want to be a nun. 6. Turn up the spotlight. 7. Lilacs bring back memories. 8. Tackle that temptation with a time step. // 9. Growing up catholic. 10. We've got to clean out the freezer. 11. Just a coupl 'a sisters. 12. I just want to be a star. 13. Drive-in, The. 14. I could've gone to Nashville. 15. Hollier than thou. 16. Finaali.

Exekutör: Farina, Marilyn. Anderson, Christine. Laurentis, Semina de. Mount Saint Helen's School Band.
Titlar: A - Nunsense 2-näytöksinen musikaali (musiikkiosuuksien kokonaisesitys, Baldwin -teatteri). 1. Nunsense is habit-forming. 2. Difficult transition, A. 3. Benedicite / Biggest ain't the best, The. 4. Playing second fiddle. 5. So you want to be a nun. 6. Turn up the spotlight. 7. Lilacs bring back memories. 8. Tackle that temptation with a time step. // 9. Growing up catholic. 10. We've got to clean out the freezer. 11. Just a coupl 'a sisters. 12. I just want to be a star. 13. Drive-in, The. 14. I could've gone to Nashville. 15. Hollier than thou. 16. Finaali.
Speltid:0 min 0 sec
Musikgenre: MUU KEVYT MUSIIKKI [sv]
Format:Vinyylilevy: 33 rpm
Förlagsnummer:DRG SBL 12589