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Uppdateringen av avslutades i januari 2022

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30 NIHTERINA. 30 night songs. Omistus: Lekkas, Vasilis.

Exekutör: Hadzidakis, Manos (piano, johtaja).
Titlar: 01 - Balanda tu Uri, I (Ballad of Uri, The).
02 - Parthena tis jitonias mu, I (Neighbourhood virgin, The).
03 - Asteri tu voria, To (North star / Star of the North, The / She came up from the North).
04 - Treli tu fengariu, I (Crazy girl of the moon).
05 - Hartino to fengaraki alunperin näytelmästä Leoforion o pothos (A streetcar named Desire / Viettelyksen vaunu).
06 - Athanasia (Immortality).
07 - Evjeniki kiria, I (Polite lady, The).
08 - Manula mu (Mother dear).
09 - Methismeno koritsi, To (Drunken girl).
10 - Pedia kato ston kambo, Ta (Boys down in the plain, The).
11 - Sto Lavrio jinete horos (There's a dance in Lavrion).
12 - Hasapiko '40 (1940 hasapiko).
13 - Kemal i o mithos tu Sevah, O (Kemal or the legend of Sinbad).
14 - Mikri Rallu, I (Little Rallu).
15 - Triandafilo, To (Rose, The).
Speltid:46 min 7 sec
Musikgenre: MUU KEVYT MUSIIKKI [sv]
Förlagsnummer:Minos MCD 15013
Anmärkningart:Ballad of Uri, The. Neighbourhood virgin, The. North star. Crazy girl of the moon. Paper moon. Immortality. Polite lady, The. Mother dear. Drunken girl. Boys down in the plain, The. There's a dance in lavrion. 1940 hasapiko. Kemal, or the legend of Sinbad. Little rallou. Rose, The.