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I MEGALITERES EPITIHIES TU TOLIS VOSKOPULOS The very best of Tolis Voskopoulos (hittikokoelma)

Exekutör: Voskopulos, Tolis (laulu).
Titlar: 01 - Ki elejes (And you used to say).
02 - Kardia mu moni (My lonely heart).
03 - Ainde stin ijia tis (I drink to her health).
04 - As imaste realiste (Let's be realistic).
05 - Ine to kati pu meni (It's the something that stays).
06 - Jineka mia agapi mia zoi, Mia (One woman, one love, one life).
07 - Aderfia mu alites pulia (My brothers: good for nothings and birds).
08 - Fengari pano thee mu, To (My God, the moon above).
09 - Psili st' aftia mu bikane (I'm beginning to suspect).
10 - Ego agapao mia (I love one woman).
11 - Prin hathi to oniro mas (Before our dream disappears).
12 - Apokliete (Out of the question).
13 - Varihimono, To (In the depths of winter).
14 - Stihimatizo (I'll bet).
15 - Traguda theatrine (Sing, actor).
16 - Jenithika na dino (I was born to give).
17 - Ke si tha fijis (And you'll leave, too).
18 - Dihos kalinihta (Without good night).
19 - Ekini (Her).
20 - Sinhoriste to apopse to pedi (Forgive the boy tonight).
21 - Se iketevo (I beg you).
22 - Otan tragudao (When I sing).
Speltid:67 min 9 sec
Förlagsnummer:Minos MCD 15018
Anmärkningart:And you used to say. My lonely heart. I drink to her health. Let's be realistic. It's the something that stays. One woman, one love, one life. My brothers: good for nothings and birds. My God, The moon above. I'm beginning to suspect. I love one woman. Before our dream disappears. Out of the question. In the depths of winter. I'll bet. Sing, actor. I was born to give. And you'll leave, too. Without good night. Her. Forgive the boy tonight. I beg you. When I sing.